Our system health check for your IBMi is a thorough review of the overall health and performance of the IBMi system. Our IBMi professional will review the system to identify any issues or potential problems that may be impacting the system's performance or stability. Here are a few key areas that are covered in a system health check for IBMi:
- Hardware health - This involves checking the physical condition of the hardware components, such as the power supply, hard drives, and cooling system. This is important to ensure that the hardware is functioning properly and is not at risk of failure. These alerts can be stored deep in the ASMI, SAL and PAL. Each SRC has a unique meaning for your system.
- Operating System and PTF levels- Are you running unsupported OS levels? Defective PTFs, known security or stability issues? Our team will review your system and make recommendations to get each of these up-to-date and within your company patching policy.
- Operating System health - This involves checking the software running on the IBMi system, including the operating system and any applications or services that are installed. This helps ensure that the software is up-to-date, properly configured, and functioning as expected.
- System settings- Are you still running QPWDLVL 0? (please call now!) This step involves reviewing hundreds of system values, exit points, network configurations, and security settings. This helps ensure that the system is configured properly to optimize performance, security, and data protection.